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Mastermind groups have been used throughout history by famous and extremely wealthy people.
But Napoleon Hill in the 1930’s has made the concept even more popular in his classic book: “ Think and Grow Rich” with the following definition:
“ The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony”.
“No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind (the master mind).”

A Mastermind group is about collective intelligence; the members supporting and sharing with each other on a longer period of time, the agenda and the decisions belong to the group meanwhile with group coaching the coach is the expert talking to all members.

Networking is about building relationships and gaining referrals. Mastermind Groups are structured and are about sharing information and knowledge collectively to learn, advance the business or progress in the professional practice.

Mastermind groups can be implemented inside organizations to promote collaboration and collective learning and are generally referred to as professional co-development groups*. Their focus is more on the learning process rather than goals achievements.

This approach was developed in Canada by University professors A. Payette and C. Champagne during the 1990’s.


El intercambio con otras personas sobre las experiencias, permite un aprendizaje que de otro modo sería imposible.
A.Payette et C. Champagne, Le Groupe de Codéveloppement Professionnel